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Category: Electronics
Brand: Nikon
Availability: Usually ships the next business day
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Reviewed by 32 customers, 75% of respondents would recommend this to a friend.
Product Questions and Answers
Nikon LITETOUCH Review by Brookworld "Brookworld" (Silicon Valley, CA)
Small, light weight (about 6 oz.) 35mm that fits any pocket. Tired of carrying a 2-lb SLR, and I replaced it with the Lite Touch for vacationing, snap shots, and pretty much all events. Good quality snap shots, typical for this type of camera w/ plastic lens. Normal pictures are good; pictures in panoramic mode are distinctly less sharp, but acceptable. Lens doors are very fragile and easily stuck if carried unprotected. In my case, the doors jammed, and I had to jam them permanently, thus exposing the front lens. Because of light weight, body is relatively thin plastic and scratch easily. Uses a single lithium battery (about $13) which isn't included. I think only Olympus makes a smaller or as small camera, but not for $30!. Recommended as 2nd or snap shot camera; highly recommended if you don't like to use a camera but want to record events or sights.
Nikon LITETOUCH Review by Vincent E. Vizachero (Houston, TX United States)
The Nikon Lite Touch is a classic camera, and a true steal at the current price (less than $30.00).This camera is roughly comparable to the more popular Olympus Stylus and Stylus Epic camera, and is preferable to those (in my opinion) because of its wider angle lens (28mm).
The lens is very sharp, has great contrast, and is plenty bright. The controls are very simple, straightforward, and easy-to-use (although I tape the panorama control to avoid accidently switching to this mode).
I have shot thousands of shots with my Lite Touch and have never had a problem (mechanical or otherwise). The Lite Touch was a favorite among the photojournalists I used to work with and was a staff favorite at several local camera stores.
I highly recommend the Nikon Lite Touch to anyone looking for a versatile, high-quality, compact non-zoom camera.
Nikon LITETOUCH Review by
I have traveled the world with one of these cameras for eight years, and only recently did I beat it to death. It is a camera to take along...everywhere (always in my bicycle bag, and inside pockets while rafting). There are lots of times when you do not want to take your best camera along, and this is the perfect substitute. Some new point and shoots feel fragile compared to this simple and straightforward camera. I wish Nikon would build more cameras like this one...tough with no frills (how about a metal body version?). The 28mm lens is a joy; it allows the small flash to work well while you get closer to your subjects. Should I buy more than one?
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